— 20TH– 21ST JUNE 2017
I have been invited to give the opening keynote for a biodesign symposium held at the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Here is the link to the full program.
The symposium "Innovation, Biodesign, Culture & Technology" featured a line-up of people in the field of biodesign, biofashion, computation and biomaterial science. From the program:
".. The aim of this symposium is to bring together artists and scientists from all over the world to present and discuss interdisciplinary investigations between the domains of science and art including avant-garde research and paradigms of interdisciplinary cooperation. .."
My keynote talk with the title "Design and Bio-Digital Interfaces — Polyphonic Biodesign" responded to Negroponte's aphorism "biotech is the new digital" and discussed three interlinked topics. Firstly, "Times of transition and change", secondly "Silk as a transdisciplinary platform for collective futuring" and thirdly, how this leads to my research on spatio-temporal designing, "Designing for transience".
Impressions from the symposium. (Image source: Freaklab, Thailand)
Impressions from the symposium. (Image source: Freaklab, Thailand)