Thanks again to Prof. Sarah Dorkenwald from UndesignUnit for engaging with my ongoing work and to Bayern Design for its continued effort to promote biodesign in Bavaria and beyond!
“In her latest article, the Bayern Design author @sarahdorkenwald describes how science and business, in conjunction with design, have developed forms of production and uses for biomaterials that are increasingly opening up the diversity of nature for the use of materials.
With examples by Maurizio Montalti / @mogumycelium / @corpuscolo, @thiesone Sebastian Thies / @nat2footwear,, @amsilkgmbh, @ananas.anam, Marielle Philip /@femerpeaumarine, Qmilk, @luma_arles, Veronica Ranner /@veronicaranner @polyphonicfutures and many more.”
Read the full article here: