New materials, Materialisms and Design Imaginaries, lecture given with Katharina Sand, Fashion & Technology department (F&T), Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria
Judge for the Core77 Design Award, Category Speculative Design, together with Dr Deepa Butoliya, Ti Chang, and Dr Laura Forlano, New York, USA
Participant at the Vice-Chancellor's talk, Oct 2020, Conversation between Dr Paul Thompson (RCA’s chancellor), Zowie Broach (Head of Fashion, RCA), and Peter Gabriel (musician). Selected participant for the Q&A with Peter Gabriel. (Video min. 45:23– 50:04)
BPRO.UD, Urban Morphogenesis Lab, invited jury member for final crit, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL London, UK
Polyphonic Futures — Collective Speculation, Design and Bio-Digital Interfaces, cross-departmental guest lecture, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, Germany
Textiles as an Interface, lecture, MA Textile Design, University of the Arts Lucerne, Switzerland
Transient Interfaces — Designing for Transience, lecture, MRes Innovation Design Engineering, Royal College of Art, London, UK
Polyphonic Design-Science, lecture to MA students as part of the Biodesign Challenge (NYC), Central Saint Martins, London, UK
From Objects to Systems, lecture, MA Fashion design, Royal College of Art, London, UK
Future Past, lecture, BA Illustration, BA graphic design, BA 3d-design, Chelsea College of Arts, London, UK
Human Futures, lecture, BA Illustration program, Camberwell University, London, UK
Radical Natural, 1-day lecture & panel with Dr Veronika Kapsalis Oron Catts, MA Textiles program, Royal College of Art, London, UK
Transient Interfaces — Design for Transience, 1-day lecture and seminar, MA Art and Science program, Central Saint Martins, London, UK
Textiles as an Interface, 1-day seminar, MA Textiles program, Royal College of Art, London, UK
From Meat to Mars: Critical Interventions in Science and Design, speaker, Critical Historical Studies (CHS), Royal College of Art, London, UK
Polyphonic Futures — Design, Silk, and Bio-Digital Interfaces, lecture at “Inflating Curiosity” event, (invitation by the MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group, led by Prof. Hiroshi Ishii), Royal College of Art, London, UK
From Hardware to Wetware — Design, Silk, and Bio-Digital Interfaces, 1- day lecture and seminar, MA Fashion Womenswear & Menswear, Royal College of Art, London, UK
Design and Bio-Digital Interfaces, Parsons New School for Design, lecture as part of the "Design for the 21st Century" lecture series", New York, USA
Polyphonic Futures — Mapping Bio-Digital Silk, lecture, School for Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University, Boston (MA), USA
Everyday Interactions, visiting critic, BA Graphic Design program, Central Saint Martins, London, UK
Product Design Ecologies (no.2), lecture, School for Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University, Boston (MA), USA
Product Design Ecologies (no.1), lecture, School for Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University, Boston (MA), USA
World Usability Day on ‘Future Tools’, invited talk, Silberturm Deutsche Bahn Systel GmbH and Iconstorm, Frankfurt, Germany [declined]
Polyphonic Futuring and Design-Science — Speculative Design revisited, artist talk, Speculative Futures Meetup Stuttgart, Theater Rampe, Stuttgart, Germany
Polyphonic Futures: Interventionen zwischen Design und Wissenschaft, artist talk, UBS Arts Forum, Castle Wolfsberg, Switzerland
‘Design, Ecology, Politics: Towards the Ecocene’, a panel discussion with Dr Jon Goodbun, Prof Lindsay Bremner and Prof Sharon Prendeville, chaired by Dr Joanna Boehnert, hosted by Bloomsbury Publishing, University of Westminster, London, UK
Sericulture — A two-sided deal, artist talk, Leonardo London LASER, hosted by Central Saint Martins MA Art and Science and CLOT magazine; in association with Leonardo®/ISAST (the International Society for Art, Science, and Technology). Held at Central Saint Martins, London, UK
Assembly on Useful Art, Science and Technology, panel speaker, part of the re-opening week programme of the Arts Catalyst, London, UK
Bio-Digital Silk and Design, artist talk, Leonardo London LASER, hosted by Central Saint Martins, MA Art and Science and LENS; in association with Leonardo®/ISAST (the International Society for Art, Science, and Technology). Held at University of Westminster (Broad Vision art/science research and learning; and CREAM), London, UK
Fertilised Futures, presenter, MIDAS Workshop (Methodological Innovation in Digital Arts and Social Sciences), Senior Common Room, Royal College of Art, London, UK
Biophilia — As hypothesis and in Design, presenter, British Council, London, UK
Is the school a political tool?, critic and podium discussion with designer Tal Erez,"Re-inventing schools from A to Z33", organised by ABITARE magazine and Z33 at LAP (Lambretto Art Project, Ventura Lambrate, Milan Design Week, Milan, Italy
Breaking the Walls of Innovation Communication, presenter, Falling Walls Lab, Fraunhofer Institute Munich, Germany
Synthetische Zukünfte (Synthetic Futures), award presentation, 1st Alfred Kärcher Award ceremony, (Winner; shared award with Professor Dr. rer. oec. Paul Pronobis), Pforzheim University, Business School, Germany
Biophilia — Organ Crafting and Survival Tissue, artist talk, Department for Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
Suspended Animation — Emergency Rescue Through Human Hibernation, award presentation, Business School, Pforzheim University, Pforzheim, Germany
Biophilia — Organ Crafting and Survival Tissue, artist talk, Fraunhofer Institute IGB, Stuttgart, Germany
Emotion Factory, artist talk, Shanghai office of IDEO, Shanghai, China
Suspended Animation — Emergency Rescue Through Human Hibernation, award presentation, "Scholarship award for pioneer-minded studies", Pforzheim University, Germany
Suspended Animation — Emergency Rescue Through Human Hibernation, presenter, BLANCO GmbH, Germany
Suspended Animation — Emergency Rescue Through Human Hibernation, award presentation, "Scholarship award for outstanding studies", Pforzheim University, Germany
‘Polyphonic Design-Science — Critical Bio-Design through the Example of Reverse Engineered Silk’. Part of the panel talk “Design and Science: Catalysing Collaborations” at the Swiss Design Network summit “Beyond Change”, Academy of Art and Design, Basel, Switzerland
Polyphonic Futures — Design-Science between Polymorphism and Polyphonic Dialogism, presenter, ‘Silk Unravelled’ symposium, Senate House, London, UK
Design and Bio-Digital Interfaces — Polyphonic Biodesign, opening keynote for the ADM Symposium “Innovation, Biodesign, Culture and Technology”, School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore, SGP
Speculative Subtlety, opening keynote debate for "(Speculative) Futures in Design Research", Design Research Society Conference (DRS 2016), Brighton Dome, Brighton, UK
Plans and speculated actions, Ranner, V., Lockton, D., workshop (“conversation”) with invited catalysts Gyorgyi Galik (Royal College of Art, UK), Dr Tobie Kerridge (Goldsmiths, UK), and Dr Molly Steenson (Carnegie Mellon University, USA). Presented at the Design Research Conference (DRS 2016), 27th- 30th June 2016, Brighton Dome, Brighton, UK
Reflective Silk — Behaviour change through better self-knowledge, Strand “Data Selves”, Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference 2015 (DRHA), Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Design for Dialogue, panel speaker (“catalyst”), organised by Culture Lab (Newcastle) at the Design Research Society Conference (DRS 2014), Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden
Designing with Environmental Data, live publisher with the Interaction Design Studio at Goldsmiths University, Design Research Society Conference (DRS 2014), Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden
Scientific Illustration vs. The Quantified Self, “4th International Illustration Research Symposium, ‘Science, Imagination and the Illustration of Knowledge’”, Oxford University Museum of Natural History and Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK
From Hardware to Wetware: How Sericulture Could Shift our Manufacturing Attitude in an Age of Biotechnology, paper presentation, Slow Technology Workshop, Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS 2012), Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK
Recorded Lectures and talks
Feb 2017
‘Sericulture — A two-sided deal’, talk and panel as part of London LASER, Leonardo® /ISAST (the International Society for Art, Science and Technology) and CLOT magazine; Held at Central Saint Martins, London, UK. (28 min.)
Jun 2016
‘Speculative Subtlety’, opening keynote given as part of the debate “(Speculative Futures in Design Research” at the Design Research Society Conference (DRS 2016). Invitation by Prof. Cameron Tonkinwise. The panel consisted of Prof. Ramia Maze, Prof. Richard Coyne, and myself. The Brighton Dome, Brighton, UK.
Oct 2015
Polyphonic Futures — Design, Silk, and Bio-Digital Interfaces, lecture as part of the “Inflating Curiosity” event, (on invitation by the MIT Media Lab, Tangible Media Group, led by Prof. Hiroshi Ishii. The event took place in lecture theatre 1, Royal College of Art, UK
Jun 2015
'Bio-Digital Silk and Design', talk as part of London LASER, Leonardo® /ISAST (the International Society for Art, Science and Technology) Westminster University, London, UK
(from min. 41:30 – 01:01)
May 2014
'Fertilised Futures', talk given as part of the MIDAS Agenda setting workshop (MIDAS: Methodological Innovation in Digital Arts and Social Sciences). Senior Common Room, Royal College of Art, London, UK
Apr 2013
Artist interview with Italian TV channel SKY ARTE during Milan Design Week (screened 21st April 2013)
Apr 2013
'Is the school a political tool?', critic and podium discussion with designer Tal Erez, "Re-inventing schools from A to Z33", organised by ABITARE magazine and Z33 at LAP (Lambretto Art Project, Ventura Lambrate, Milan Design Week, Italy